National Disability Advocacy Framework 2023 – 2025 and Disability Advocacy Work Plan

The new National Disability Advocacy Framework 2023-2025 (NDAF) and associated Disability Advocacy Work Plan were endorsed by Disability Ministers on 21 April 2023.  They were developed by the Australian, state and territory governments, in consultation with people with disability, families, carers, disability advocacy providers and disability representative organisations.

The NDAF commits governments to work together to improve national consistency and access to advocacy services for people with disability across Australia.  The Work Plan identifies shared priority work areas for the Australian, state and territory governments, to work on to support the outcomes in the NDAF.

The NDAF and Work Plan represent the beginning of ongoing work by the Australian, state and territory governments, to improve alignment of disability advocacy services by committing to joint work in key areas.

These important documents are available for download  in a variety of formats and languages.

Department of Social Services (DSS)
Friday 16th June, 2023

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