Up to 10 people die violently or through neglect each year in state-monitored homes designed to protect the mentally ill, disabled and elderly, while many vulnerable residents have been sexually assaulted and abused. In the most extreme case this year, a 66-year-old schizophrenic manwas charged with murder over the death of his room-mate at Bellden Lodge, in Croydon North.’
State government figures reveal the ”unexpected deaths” take place every year in so-called residential support services – privately run homes that provide food and board to people unable to care for themselves. About 500 breaches relating to staff and resident care are also recorded annually by the Health Department, together with dozens of serious incidents involving sexual abuse, violence or drug and alcohol overdoses.
Authorities admit the level of serious incidents is likely to be far worse, because until a few months ago operators were not required by law to report critical incidents to the department. Unexpected deaths generally include anything other than death from natural causes, such as fatalities from fires, medical negligence or vicious attacks.
SRS facilities sprang up after the deinstitutionalisation of the 1980s, initially solely for elderly people unable to find a bed in the state system. They now cater for a broad mix of old and young residents, including people with acquired brain injuries and mental illness, the elderly, and people with drug or alcohol addiction.
Public Advocate Colleen Pearce said SRSs were an important option for people unable to care for themselves, but proprietors needed more support to deal with the complex needs of residents. ”The largest area of violence is resident to resident. That’s because you have a very complex mix of people in there, many of whom have been discharged from mental health facilities, and some of whom are still unstable at the time of their discharge,” Ms Pearce said. ”You might have a proprietor trying to do the right thing but there’s not the support.”
Over the past 12 months, the Office of the Public Advocate has reported 69 cases of sexual assault and violence at SRS homes around the state – almost three times more than the year before. Of those cases, seven involved residents sexually abusing other residents. ,
New regulations introduced by the government in July now mean proprietors must undertake police checks, and all unusual deaths, major injuries, sexual assaults and fire events must be reported. Minimum requirements for staffing, support, medication and complaint handling have also been established.
”The Victorian government does not tolerate behaviour that jeopardises the health and safety of people in its care,” Mental Health Minister Mary Wooldridge said. But opposition health spokesman Gavin Jennings said it wasn’t enough for the government simply to apply new regulations. ”It also has to have increased enforcement,” he said.
Ms Pearce said the key issue was about how to deal with the complexity of people requiring care. ”We don’t necessarily need more regulation, we need to address the systemic issues in order to address the problems in SRSs,” she said.