Operating pattern
- Has this advocacy service operated for the full quarter?
Answer: Please answer Yes or No - 2.How many weeks per quarter does the advocacy service usually operate?
Answer: Please write the number of weeks per quarter or no regular pattern - How many days per week does the advocacy service usually operate?
Answer: Please write the number of days per week or no regular pattern - How many hours per day does the advocacy service usually operate?
Answer: Please write the number of hours per day or no regular pattern
- What were the hours worked by paid staff (including contracted staff) on behalf of this advocacy service in the 7-day reference week for the quarter?
Answer: Please write the number of paid hours per week - What were the total hours worked by unpaid staff (including volunteers) on behalf of this advocacy service in the 7-day reference week for the quarter?
Answer: Please write the number of unpaid hours per week
Amount of service
- How many new service users received advocacy support from your service during the quarter?
Answer: Number of new service users
How many services users have received ongoing support from the previous quarter?
Answer: Number of ongoing service users
Type of organisation
- How would you describe your organisation?
Answer: Choose from the following (multiple responses accepted)Advocacy only ● Advocacy and Disability Service
Advocacy and Information Service
Metropolitan Service
Rural Service
Resource Unit
Statewide service
Other (please specify) - Which model(s) of advocacy does your organisation provide?
Answer: Choose from the following (multiple responses accepted)
Individual advocacy
Systemic advocacy
Other (please specify) - Does your organisation provide advocacy for a specific diagnostic group e.g. Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), Intellectual Disability?
Answer: Please list diagnostic groups - What type of funding has your organisation received for advocacy provision in this quarter?
Answer: Choose from the following (multiple responses accepted)
Ongoing state government funding
Ongoing federal government funding
Philanthropic trust funding
Time limited project funding
Membership fees and donations
Other (please specify)
Formal complaints/referrals
- How many formal complaints or referrals did your organisation lodge in this quarter?
Answer: Separately write the numbers of complaints and referrals for each of:
Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC)
Disability Services Commission (DSC)
Health Services Commissioner
Australian Human Rights Commission
Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT)
Victorian Ombudsman
Individual Advocacy
- What was the gender of people receiving advocacy support from your service during the quarter?
Answer: Write number of people for each of:
Other (e.g. transgender) - What was the age of people receiving advocacy support from your service during the quarter?
Answer: Write number of people for each of:
0 – 4 years
5 – 14 years
15 – 24 years
25 – 64 years
65+ years - How many people receiving advocacy support from your service during the quarter identified themselves as from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background?
Answer: Write the number of people - How many people receiving advocacy support from your service during the quarter were from a culturally or linguistically diverse (CALD) background?
Answer: Write the number of people - What was the geographic location of people receiving advocacy support from your service during the quarter?
Answer: Write the number of people, categorised by local government area and DHHS region - Which issues did you provide advocacy support for during the quarter?
Answer: Write numbers of people for each of:
Abuse and Neglect
Built Environment
Disability Services
Leisure and Recreation
Other - What disability types were represented by people receiving advocacy support from your organisation during the quarter (if known)?
Answer: Write numbers for each of the following (an individual can be listed multiple times)
Acquired Brain Injury
Physical Disability
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Psychiatric Disability
Speech Impairment
Deaf/hearing impaired
Vision Impairment
Intellectual disability
Neurological disability
Other - How much time was spent providing individual advocacy per person in this quarter?
Answer: Write number of people for each of:
One-off assistance
Short-term (a month or so)
Medium-term (a few months)
Long-term (more than six months)Systemic Advocacy
Systemic advocacy
- In this quarter, which of the following systemic issues did your organisations choose to address and what activities supported this?
Answer: Provide written details of activities and outcomes, in the categories of:
Abuse and Neglect
Built Environment
Disability Services
Leisure and Recreation
Membership Development
- What did your organisations do to support new and existing members in this quarter?
Answer: Indicate activities from the following list:
Social event
Group session
Social media (e.g. facebook)
Information session
Training provided
Recruitment of members
Qualitative Data – Case Study
- This information may be used to provide qualitative information regarding advocacy practice.
Answer: Write details using case study template, comprising:
Statement of the advocacy issue: what was the situation/problem?
Key factors/key players: who/what was involved?
Description of the process: what did you do?
Outcomes and impacts: what worked well/what didn’t work?
Evaluation: what have you learned? What would you do differently?
Hours spent on this case.
Further comments
- Do you have any other comments or suggestion you would like to make?
Answer: Write details. - Please indicate how long it took you to complete this form
Answer: Amount of time.