5.3 Certificate IV in Disability Advocacy

Resource description

DARU has developed a Certificate IV in Disability Advocacy that has been accredited by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA). It was developed from a 2010 survey of over 80 disability advocacy organisations across Australia and from a workshop with the Victorian advocacy sector in September 2010, conducted by People with Disability (PWD). Table 5.1 below provides an outline of the modules included in the Certificate IV. Students will be able to complete the course in its entirety or choose to take one or more modules. There will also be recognition for prior learning. DARU has begun the process of finding and engaging a Registered Training Provider in Victoria to deliver the Certificate IV in 2013.


Interview findings

Initially, organisations were not asked about the Certificate IV, given the resource has not yet been delivered. However, it became clear once the interview process  was underway that it provided a good opportunity to canvas how they would like to see the course delivered, particularly regarding accessibility. As such, the results below reflect comments from 18 organisations.

  • Fifteen organisations would be happy for the course to be delivered online, because they work part-time and they are geographically dispersed across the state.
    However, five of these 15 organisations commented that at least some of the course should be delivered in person, for networking purposes and because advocacy is practical in nature.
  • Two advocacy organisations indicated they are not interested in undertaking a Certificate IV in Disability Advocacy because their advocates have higher qualifications.
  • Advocates at three organisations were not sure the course would be necessary for their job or career.
  • Two advocacy organisations stated that they would enrol their employees in the course.

Interestingly, a number of the suggested topics for training and professional development are modules within the Certificate IV.


Table 5.1  Certificate IV in Disability Advocacy Course modules

Unit Of Competency/ Module Code Field Of Education Code Unit of Competency Title Pre-Requisite Nominal Hours
Core units
BSBINM201A Process and maintain workplace information None 30
CHCCOM403A Use targeted communication skills to build relationships None 55
CHCICS409A Recognise and respond to suspected abuse of vulnerable people None 60
HLTHIR403C Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers None 20
HLTHIR404D Work effectively with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people None 20
HLTOHS300B Contribute to OHS processes None 20
VUXXXXA 090509 Apply a human rights framework to disability advocacy None 30
VUXXXXB 090509 Provide disability advocacy None 40
VUXXXXC 090509 Promote disability awareness None 30
Total core duration 305
Elective units (Select any 6 units)
Client Contact units
CHCCS407B Operate referral procedures 50
CHCCH427A Work effectively with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness 70
CHCCS514A Recognise and respond to people at risk 45
CHCMH411A Work with people with mental health issues 50
Work Environment units
CHCNET402A Establish and maintain effective networks 50
CHCORG405D Maintain an effective work environment 50
CHCORG627B Provide mentoring support to colleagues 60
Professional Practice
CHCCH522A Undertake outreach work 60
CHCDIS411A Communicate using augmentative and alternative communication strategies 60
VUXXXXD 090509 Deliver systemic disability advocacy 30
CHCPOL402B Contribute to policy development 50
Total elective duration 275-350
Nominal total course duration 580-655