- Client stakeholders (disability advocacy organisations)
Activities of the organisation
- What are the main advocacy activities your organisation undertakes?
- What is a typical week like at your organisation?
- Is there anything you would want to improve in your organisation if you had more time or resources?
- Are you a member of DAV or another disability or advocacy network?
- What do you know about DARU?
- How do you receive funding:
- Office for Disability
- Commonwealth FaCHSIA
- Donations or philanthropic
Use of DARU as a resource
- Have you used any of DARU’s services or resources?
- Professional development and training
- Biennial conference on strengthening disability advocacy
- Disability Advocacy Code of Conduct
- Weekly email update
- Receiving information relevant to the sector
- Resource library (online) or Equipment library
- Was the resource you used easy to access and useful once you had it? Why/why not?
- What would be the best way for you to access DARU’s resources, particularly the training and professional development (online, regional workshops, on-site training etc.)?
- Is there anything that DARU provides that is not relevant to your job or your organisations?
- Is there anything DARU should be providing? How would you like to access it?
Forward look
- How does your organisation see the NDIS in terms of advocacy?
- What do you see as the important issues (challenges) for your sector and your organisation over the next couple of years?
- How would you like DARU to support your organisation in its activities?
2. Decision makers (PGG members)
Activities of the organisation
- What are the main activities of your organisation?
- What do you do in a typical week or month?
- How does DARU feed into your activities? How do you feed into DARU’s activities?
- How will the introduction of the NDIS affect advocacy, DARU and DAV?
Expectations of DARU’s activities
- What do you see as DARU’s core role?
- Do you expect the role of DARU to change under the new State Disability Plan?
- Which resources and services provided by DARU do you use?
- Would you like to see DARU provide more services or resources to the sector?
- If so, what could be augmented or added to the DARU tool kit?
- Are there any resources or services provided that you think should be discontinued or substantially changed?
- How do you measure DARU’s successes?
- Do you expect the role of DARU and the resources/services it provides to change in the next couple of years?
3. Project Partners (DAV, SARU)
Activities of the organisation
- What are the main activities of your organisation?
- What do you do in a typical week or month?
- What does your organisation provide in relation to the disability advocacy sector?
- What is going to be the impact of the NDIS on advocacy?
- What is your relationship to DARU? Have you undertaken any projects together?
- What are the main disability or community organisations your organisation works with?
- What has worked well and not so well in your engagement with DARU?
Expectations of DARU’s activities
- What do you see as DARU’s core role?
- What will be the major issues for your organisation over the next 12 to 24 months?
- Do you see any role for DARU in working with your organisation on any of these issues?