Individual Advocacy

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Formerly Disability Advocacy and Information Service (DAIS), provides advocacy support to people with disabilities and carers in North East Victoria. Services include: Assist people with disabilities to resolve problems. Provide…

RIAC aims to achieve positive outcomes to individuals and their families by: Providing information and support Making referrals to appropriate services Representing individuals to service providers Taking issues to government…

1300 368 821

Seniors Rights Victoria provides information, support, advice and education to help prevent elder abuse and safeguard the rights, dignity and independence of older people. Elder abuse is any act which…

(03) 9481 0355 (Legal Assistance Line)
(03) 9481 0655 (Worker Help Line)
1800 094 164 (rural callers)

Social Security Rights Victoria (SSRV) is an independent state-wide community legal centre that specialises in social security and related law, policy and procedure. We help people experiencing issues with Centrelink…

Southern Disability Advocacy advocates for people with disability, to represent their rights and interests. We are part of the National Disability Advocacy Program, funded by the Commonwealth Department of Social…

SWAA is committed to the defence and promotion of the rights and interests of people with all types of disabilities & of all ages, including people with physical disabilities, intellectual…

(03) 9650 2730

STAR is an independent community organisation that advocates on a statewide basis for the rights of people with an intellectual disability and their families. STAR believes all people with intellectual…

(03) 9416 4003

VALID stands for Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability. VALID’s vision is a world in which everyone is empowered to exercise their human rights in accordance with the Universal…

(03) 9380 3900

The VMIAC is the peak Victorian non-government organisation for people who have experience with a mental illness or emotional distress. VMIAC engages in a number of activities, which include information…

1800 014 111

Villamanta is a Victorian Community Legal Centre that works only on disability related legal issues. Our main purpose is to make sure that people in Victoria who have a disability…

0438 638 734

The Youth Disability Advocacy Service (YDAS) is raising voices, expanding choices and creating change for young people with disabilities in Victoria, Australia. YDAS works alongside young people with disabilities between…