Disability Royal Commission

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Celina Edmonds and Nas Campanella
ABC News
Thursday 25th February, 2021
Advocates for a First Nations man detained for 14 years in a "hopeless and desperate situation" say they will renew his case for justice with the United Nations to move
Luke Michael
Pro Bono News
Thursday 18th February, 2021
The disability royal commission needs a dedicated First Nations hearing to investigate the overrepresentation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the criminal justice system, Indigenous leaders say.
Saturday 20th February, 2021
The lack of testimony from people with disabilities comes amid ongoing concerns over the way the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability has been
Eileen Baldry
Thursday 18th February, 2021
The UN has twice called on Australia to dismantle its indefinite detention system for people with cognitive impairments and mental illness, which disproportionately affects Indigenous people. Indefinite detention is what
Julie Power
Thursday 18th February, 2021
Melanie’s story was revealed as part of the disability royal commission’s examination of the experiences of people with cognitive disabilities in the criminal justice system who are locked in indefinite
Eileen Baldry
The Conversation
Wednesday 17th February, 2021
In dismantling our indefinite detention system, the key is to provide more disability-focused support to those at risk of coming into contact with criminal justice systems.
Disability Royal Commission
Wednesday 10th February, 2021
The Third Progress Report summarises the work carried out by the Royal Commission during the period 1 July to 31 December 2020 including conducting six important public hearings, despite the restrictions
Nas Campanella and Celina Edmonds
ABC News
Wednesday 9th December, 2020
Yuri Sianski has spent the last 25 years trying to find a job — and his father has told the disability royal commission the situation is a "shameful cul-de-sac of neglect".
Honourable Tony Pagone QC and Lynelle Briggs AO
Aged Care Royal Commission
Thursday 1st October, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has been the greatest challenge Australia's aged care sector has faced. Those who have suffered the most have been the residents, their families and aged care staff.
Fran Kelly
RN Breakfast
Tuesday 1st December, 2020
The Disability Royal Commission's issued a scathing report into how government agencies failed disabled Australians during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings point to failures by government officials to consult with
Disability Royal Commission
Monday 30th November, 2020
It was a “serious failure” that no Australian Government agency with responsibility for disability policy, including the Department of Health, made “any significant effort” to consult with people with disability
Disability Royal Commission
Monday 30th November, 2020
The report makes 22 wide-ranging recommendations in light of evidence from people with disability, advocates, experts and government representatives during the Royal Commission’s fifth public hearing held in August. Chair