Emergency Management

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Luke Henriques-Gomes
The Guardian
Monday 30th November, 2020
“But the impact of the pandemic on many people with disability, especially those with high support needs, would have been significantly ameliorated if the Australian government had complied fully with
Fran Kelly
RN Breakfast
Tuesday 1st December, 2020
The Disability Royal Commission's issued a scathing report into how government agencies failed disabled Australians during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings point to failures by government officials to consult with
Disability Royal Commission
Monday 30th November, 2020
It was a “serious failure” that no Australian Government agency with responsibility for disability policy, including the Department of Health, made “any significant effort” to consult with people with disability
Disability Royal Commission
Monday 30th November, 2020
The report makes 22 wide-ranging recommendations in light of evidence from people with disability, advocates, experts and government representatives during the Royal Commission’s fifth public hearing held in August. Chair
Dr Kelley Graydon
Monday 26th October, 2020
Many people experience hearing loss – from mild to disabling – but COVID-19 face masks are making communication even harder for people with hearing impairment
Wednesday 30th September, 2020
There are two online training modules that have been designed to assist  disability workers operating in,  or working with people with disability, in high risk bushfire areas. The modules include: 1.
Thursday 27th August, 2020
Disasters amplify the existing fault lines already experienced by people with disability to live an ordinary life. The best way to truly understand the impact of disasters on people with
Paul Johnson
Wednesday 16th September, 2020
As the panel discussed social fragmentation, Ms Kayess agreed it could lead to loneliness and said those living with a disability were highly exposed to it. "That specific [physical] segregation is
Thursday 27th August, 2020
People with disability have the right to be supported and stay safe through disasters just like everyone else. This panel session distilled the issues and failures that have been thrown up
Thursday 27th August, 2020
Angela Cook, Project Manager, Community Engagement from the Country Fire Authority shares details of the 'Preparing Vulnerable People’ project. The resources that have been developed as part of the project
Thursday 27th August, 2020
Associate Professor Michelle Villeneuve, Centre for Disability Research and Policy, University of Sydney, led the DISABILITY INCLUSIVE DISASTER PREPAREDNESS IN NSW project. She outlines the key findings and steps to
Christina Ryan
Disability Leadership Institute
Saturday 29th August, 2020
What happens when an entire population group is absent from decision making forums? It makes it possible to forget them. The people who are most affected and should be central