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Luke Michael
Pro Bono News
Friday 2nd November, 2018
The federal government’s outsourced jobseeker program is a “special kind of hell” for welfare recipients with mental health issues, a Senate inquiry has heard.
Kantar Public
Department of Social Services (DSS)
Monday 1st October, 2018
In order to determine barriers different employers and businesses in Australia face to employing people with disability, The Department of Social Services (DSS)  commissioned Kantar Public  to undertake a program of research with
Jarad McLoughlin
Thursday 25th October, 2018
For most disabled people who are trained at university in journalism, the biggest challenge is convincing employers to pay attention to their skills and talents, and ignore those who dispute
Victoria Public Sector Commission
Victorian Government
Tuesday 9th October, 2018
Sunday 30th November, 2025
More Victorians living with disability will be supported to create a meaningful career in the public sector, as part of the state’s first disability employment action plan launched today.
Maggie Goggan
Pro Bono News
Tuesday 2nd October, 2018
The founder of an autistic-led social enterprise mentoring and empowering autistic people believes businesses are missing out by not actively including autistic people in their workplaces.  Their business model as
Luke Michael
Pro Bono News
Wednesday 22nd August, 2018

Unpaid carers in Australia face a significant economic disadvantage, research reveals, prompting the launch of a campaign to bridge the gap between unpaid care and workforce participation.

Department of Social Services (DSS)
Australian Government

This report summarises the major themes raised by people with disability and their families and carers, Australian Disability Enterprises, employers of people with disability, peak bodies and other interested stakeholders, during…

David Donaldson
Women's Agenda
Friday 10th August, 2018
“Yes, they may need flexibility, reasonable adjustments, time off from time to time. But who doesn’t? And too often, all employers see is a diagnosis, not the value of the
Mick Smart
The Guardian
Wednesday 30th May, 2018
Mick Smart, age: 32, was injured falling down a retaining wall as a work-for-the-dole contractor. Now suffers chronic pain and mobility issues and is unable to find work. "I have
Brett Worthington
ABC Online
Monday 2nd April, 2018

Here sits senator Jordon Steele-John, the West Australian Green who in November last year, just weeks after turning 23, became the Australian Parliament’s youngest-ever senator. He’s sitting alone at the back…

Duncan Storrar
Independent Australia
Thursday 22nd March, 2018

rexplains the cruel cycle of poverty and devastation being inflicted on the mentally and physically ill by ongoing welfare cuts. THIS story is to explain to people who don’t live with mental…

Vanessa Jarrett
Morning Bulletin
Tuesday 28th November, 2017
"I WANT to be like a normal citizen and work hard - I don't want to be on Centrelink." David McNae has been out of work for the best part of